
We shipping worldwide
Shipping fees & estimated shipping time (after our 3-4 week handmade-to-order production time):
Italy: €10 
Europe: €30
UK & Ireland: £30
Canada: €36
China: €37
USA: €45
Australia and New Zealand: €47
Rest of world will calculate in checkout

Our shipping prices vary, depending on the shipping destination. Your exact shipping fee can be calculated at the checkout. 
With Posteitaliane, your order will be sent with the On Demand Delivery (ODD) Service.
When you place an order, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your order. After our 21-28 day handmade-to-order production time, you will receive a confirmation email from us that your order has been dispatched. Posteitaliane ODD notifies you by email and/or SMS about your shipment’s progress and estimated delivery date/time. You can contact us via email to set your shipping details and requirements such as;
– Deliver my package to another address: alternate delivery to work or family
– Deliver my package at a safe place: authorize shipment release to appointed safe place
– Deliver my package with neighbour: Leave the package at your neighbour, reception or guard specified
– Deliver my package on another day: scheduled delivery
If you have any questions, please feel free to email for more information